One should never confuse humility and insecurity. Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less (thanks Clive). The best leaders are consistently humble but never insecure. Insecure leaders fix their self-worth to the positive praises and constructive criticisms of others which is…
20 Seconds Can Strengthen Your Leadership
Most leaders acknowledge how important it is to say, “Thank-you” when someone helps them out. But a quick thank-you doesn’t deepen the bond of trust or strengthen the relationship. If the exchange stops there, it communicates a transactional nature of the relationship – you did…
Year in Review – Top 10 Blog Posts in 2019
Dear Readers – thank you for making 2019 a great year for this site. 12,171 readers from 113 countries, up from 11,267 readers in 91 countries in 2018. 80% of readers are from Canada and the United States and 10% come from Australia and the…
On Becoming a First-Time Leader
Every year, thousands of books and articles are written about leadership. Most are written for the benefit of seasoned leaders. Few tackle what is required when transitioning into a leadership role for the first time. New leaders can feel anxious, confused, overwhelmed and insecure. This…
What the Church Needs Now
Business innovation is a change process that leads to new products and services in an effort to gain more market share. Church innovation is a change process that leads to renewed focus on evangelization in an effort to make more disciples. Some readers might find it…
Four Leadership Lessons I Learned in CCO
It happened for the first time a few weeks ago. Someone with whom I am working professionally (and closely) was unaware that I had served as a CCO missionary for 18 years. I figure this is a fitting time to share with all of you…
Podcast Updates
The Way of the Heart Podcast is a conversation with Jake Khym about journeying through life with a heart fully alive. It’s produced with men in mind, but anyone can benefit. We’ve released 32 episodes, have over 26,000 downloads and a 5-star review rating. These…
We Are Proclaim
I have very exciting news. On Saturday October 26th over 1,000 intentional disciples gathered for the Upper Room conference at the Vancouver Convention Centre to launch the new evangelization initiative called the Proclaim Movement. The movement is rooted in four key principles. #1: The universal…
A what without a when is a never
I’ve had several conversations with Church leaders, ministry heads and non-profit executives over the past 12 months. Many are overwhelmed by the weight of leadership responsibility and they admit to feeling like a leadership failure. When asked what it would look like if they weren’t…
New Leadership for the New Evangelization
In 1979 Pope John Paul II called for a new evangelization, an “evangelization of the second millennium.” He invited the Church to embrace a, “new ardor, new methods and new expressions” in our efforts to spread the Gospel. In today’s spiritual climate the new evangelization also…
Common Language is Critical for the New Evangelization
It’s been 38 years since Saint Pope John Paul II called for a New Evangelization. He exhorted the Church, every baptized member, to embrace a new missionary dynamism characterized by a new ardor, new methods and new expressions. After nearly four decades, the time has…