There are two ways we can do Church. Discerning the right mode requires discernment and courage.
5 Ways to Transform Your Parish Volunteer Strategy
Because Parishes have more volunteers than staff, Pastors often want to talk about how to recruit and retain the best volunteers. So, with that in mind, I decided to write a blog post about it. Hope it helps. Pastors are suffering a similar pain point.…
On the Important Voice of Jordan Peterson
This is the longest blog I have ever posted. Also one of the most meaningful. It is divided it into smaller segments. Perhaps one section can be read each day. My next post will be published on March 29th. An Abridged Chronology As far as…
7 Key Ideas on the Value of Core Values
I have been re-reading Gino Wickman’s book, Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business. It is an excellent read. So practical, so simple to understand. He has many templates built into his theory that makes it easy to apply his principles to your situation. One…
Little Things Make a Big Difference
Our greatest resource, as leaders, is emotional capital – healthy and collaborative relationships. It is not the buildings we own or the technology we operate or the innovative products we bring to market or the strategic ministries we bring to the mission field. Leadership is…
Common Language is Critical for the New Evangelization
Saint John Paul II spoke about the New Evangelization for the first time in 1983 while addressing a group of South American Bishops. He exhorted the Church, every baptized member not just Pastoral leaders, to embrace a radical missionary dynamism characterized by a new ardour,…
Saint Joseph was a Young Man and Why That Matters
In a recent conversation with a respected Church leader, I discovered that there are no historical facts proving that Joseph was an elderly man. Likely, he was only a few years older than Mary. The two most precious gifts that God has ever given to…
Four Simple but Powerful Ways to Serve People You Lead
Our most valuable resource is not the buildings we own or the technology we operate or even our financial health. Our greatest resource is emotional capital – healthy, collaborative relationships are critical and providing servant leadership is key.
EQ – The Other Kind of Smart and More Important
For decades social scientists have found that organizational leaders with average IQs outperform those with higher IQs more than 70% of the time. Peter Salovey was the first to bring awareness to the reality of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in his seminal article, Emotional Intelligence: Imagination,…
Church Needing Hope and Courage, Nothing Less Will Do
The best leaders craft vision in a particular way. They draw on virtues that seem to be opposed to each other. On the one hand, they envision inspiring pictures of a preferred future. On the other hand, they confront the most brutal facts of current reality…
Resolve to Make These Five Resolutions in 2021
More people are abandoning the annual ritual of making New Years resolutions. When we consider all the benefits of making and keeping resolutions, we dare to dream again and make resolutions for 2021 – an important year!