Christian leaders know well the story of the Fall of Adam and Eve (see Genesis 3). The story is so familiar to us that we think it is impossible to gain any additional meaning. It is much more than the description of man’s first sin.…
Solving the Leadership Crisis
According to a 2012 survey conducted for the World Economic Forum, 86% of the global working population believes we are in a leadership crisis. According to a 2014 survey by the Centre for Creative Leadership, when compared with other strategic imperatives, leadership development is ranked…
When everything is hard, remember one thing.
I was four hours into changing the brakes when I finally admitted defeat. Filled with discouragement, I slammed the lid on my toolbox saying to myself, “Why is everything so flippin’ hard?” The garage floor was strewn with sockets, wrenches, plyers, hammers and no small…
Five Ways to Stop the Downward Trends in the Church
Last week I wrote about how Jim Collin’s book, How the Mighty Fall, is of immense utility for pastoral leaders. Especially when you consider the declining state of the Church in the West right now. Collins confronts the question, “How do great organizations, fall to…
Is Jim Collins’ HOW THE MIGHTY FALL a Helpful Playbook for the Church?
I am a big fan of Jim Collins. He has written some of the best leadership books ever written. For example, Good to Great, Built to Last, Great By Choice, and Entrepreneurship 2.0, to name a few. I appreciate Jim Collins as an author because…
The Power of Intentional Accompaniment and Other CCO Gifts
Michael Hall, a personal friend and Catholic Christian Outreach missionary, just published his first book entitled, Intentional Accompaniment. I had the honour of providing an endorsement. It is an excellent read, but don’t take my word for it. There is a plethora of Catholic evangelization…
What do the best do leaders do with their time?
According to Matt Beeton, 80% of new leaders fail to make a positive difference in their organization after two years of being in the role. Last week, I spoke with Pastoral leaders that have been in their positions for longer than two years and they…
8 Easy Ways That Dads Can Affirm their Kids
In honour of Father’s Day, I am publishing one day early this week. This article is a repost of one of the most popular blogs from 2020 (determined by readers). Read to the end, I offer a few additional resources. Dads have an important job…
Make the Most of the Return to Mass – Releasing Talents in the Parish
I have had many recent conversations with Bishops and priests who are planning to return to the regular celebration of Mass on Sundays. I have been inspired by their hope, courage, and focus. What strikes me most is their passion to see COVID recovery through…
Make the Most of the Return to Sunday Mass
I have had several conversations with Bishops and priests who are busy planning the return of the regular celebration of Mass on Sundays. I have been inspired by their hope for the future, their courage to try new things, their focus on missionary activity, and…
Waiting for a Return to Normal or Getting ready for a New Missionary Impulse?
The Church is in a long season of waiting right now. We are waiting for the restrictions to be lifted. We are waiting for our Churches to be opened. We are waiting for a return to normal. The dictionary provides two definitions of waiting: 1)…