This week we are focusing on 5 leaderSHIFTS needed for the New Evangelization.
First we looked at confronting the brutal facts about current reality. Then we moved toward a positive response by interrupting the status quo fueled by divine discontent.
Today we consider the shift going from member-focus to outsider-focus. This is by far the easiest shift to describe on paper but perhaps the hardest shift to execute because it requires a radical change in culture.
New leaders for the new evangelization believe that the Church exists to evangelize.
New leaders for the new evangelization are convinced that Parishes are missionary by nature.
New leaders for the new evangelization believe that the Church exists to evangelize, they are convinced that Parishes are missionary by nature. Share on XThe local parish is the only organization in the world that exists not for its own members.
New evangelization parishes are focused on the individuals outside the parish they are trying to reach, not the members inside they are trying to keep. They are invitational to the core, they try new things, improve existing programs and innovate continually to reach more of the community outside the parish.
New evangelization parishes are focused on the community they are trying to reach, not the members they are trying to keep. Share on XMembers of new evangelization parishes are missionary disciples, sharing in the evangelizing mission of the Church. They are delighted to give up their usual space in the pew to make room for a young family attending Mass for the first time. They consider it a privilege to share the Gospel and they feel the weight of responsibility for doing so, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.”
Member-focused parishes rarely consider the vast numbers of people living outside the parish that are disconnect from God. Status quo has set in like concrete cured over time. Innovation is rarely considered. They prefer the way things are or the way things were over the way things could be or should be. A suggestion to try something new is met with suspicion or entrenchment, “That’s not the way we do things around here.”
Member-focused parishes rarely consider the vast population of living outside the parish that are living their lives disconnect from God. Share on XNew leaders for the new evangelization insist on missionary commitment. They move their congregation from a maintenance model to a mission-focused model of parish life. Focused on the ones they are trying to reach, they constantly look for ideas that create a sense of belonging for outsiders. They create new methods for introducing more people to the Gospel. Innovative ideas build on other ideas while zeal for souls fuel the entire effort.
Authentic community comes through shared missionary zeal and mutual commitment to the evangelizing mission of the Church. When Parishes forsake their missionary nature, they turn in on themselves and start to become unhealthy, even sick.
Inward looking parishes eventually become unhealthy, even sick. Deep, intimate and authentic parish community comes through shared missionary zeal and mutual commitment to the evangelizing mission of the Church. Share on XThe New Evangelization is, above all, a call to focus on the people outside the Parish we are trying to reach, not the members we are trying to keep.
“I dream of a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything.” Pope Francis Share on X Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine modes of living in order to take up the challenge of making Christ known in the modern metropolis.” Saint Pope John Paul the Great Share on X