As many of you know, Jake Khym and I launched a podcast for men in September 2018. It’s called The Way of the Heart.
We’ve published 17 episodes and have over 11,000 unique downloads.
It is encouraging to hear qualitative feedback from listeners. Last weekend I did a men’s conference in Saskatoon and several of the men told me stories of how they’ve been blessed by the content in the podcast. Some are gathering in a men’s small group and having discussions about each episode. All this feedback has been very encouraging and inspires us to keep going.
I wanted to let you know about the latest episode.
Episode #17: DISCIPLINES
Disciplines are actions of a disciple. “Jesus is taking students in the masterclass of life.” (Dallas Willard).
Jake talks about his daily habit of journaling. Journaling is a valuable way to remember what the Lord has done in our lives. The content in your journal can be very simple, even bullet points, themes of what’s happening in your heart.
I discuss the positive benefits of getting out of bed when you say you’re going to get out of bed (mind over mattress).
“Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If with the help of God, you conquer yourself in the moment, you have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day. It’s so discouraging to find yourself beaten in the first skirmish.” (St. Josemaría Escrivá)
Remember, you can’t try a discipline once or twice and expect it to change everything – our hearts change much slower than that. Over time a discipline repeated consistently actually develops virtue.
Bonus: We discussed a couple more disciplines that have borne fruit in our journey. Daily, meaningful connection with our spouse is another important discipline. Also, worship music can help balance our emotions and our re-calibrate our thinking. Other disciplines include reading scripture, fasting, repentance, and regular confession.
I hope you check out the podcast and if you haven’t subscribed please consider doing so. Finally, if you have been blessed by the podcast, can I ask you to leave a rating and a review. It will help others find the show.