Season two of Leadership Where it Matters Most kicks off this week with Episode 18 and I am hosting Chris Stefanick! Chris is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and television host who has devoted his life to sharing the love of Jesus and helping others…
Twitter Lessons from the Greatest Generation
Two things happened to me this week. One, I got into a dust-up on Twitter. Two, I read some pieces on what Tom Brokaw called, the Greatest Generation. This article attempts to converge the meaning of both into one blog post… I am starting to…
3 Ideas to Improve Work Life Balance
Organizational leaders ask this question all the time, “How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?” On this subject, I am very much a student. Learning as I go, some ideas have stood the test of time. I will share these ideas with you. Embrace…
Timeless Wisdom for Modern Leaders
Any good reading program for leadership development should include both classic and contemporary texts. Contemporary authors and podcasters such as Craig Groeschel, Carey Niewhof, Patrick Lencioni, Michael Hyatt, Danielle Strickland and Donald Miller provide fresh ideas about leading in today’s ever-changing world. But what about…
Success VS Significance – What’s the Difference and Why it Matters
Success is about making an impact here and now primarily by what you do and what you accomplish. Significance is about creating a lasting legacy by who you are and the edifying presence you bring to others. I have met many leaders who have accomplished…
Organizational Culture: Pain Points & Solutions
Organizational culture is a popular topic. Google presents millions of sites for you to explore. Thousands of books and articles are written every year on the subject. If the sheer volume of content won’t convince you of its importance, consider the wisdom of Peter Drucker who allegedly…
Transform Adversity into Opportunity
We tend to avoid adversity because we’ve been conditioned to see the difficulties not the benefits. However, the difficulty you face today may be the purifying furnace of transformation that leads to a better tomorrow. Consider diamonds. They are beautiful gems but the formation process…
This is the second of five blogs on the New Leadership for the New Evangelization. There is a lot of talk these days about Parish renewal. The popularity of Divine Renovation (Mallon, 2014) and Rebuilt (White & Corcoran, 2013) are evidence that parish leaders and…
I normally publish every Monday but this week is special. I will post each day (Mon-Fri) anticipating the Archdiocesan Conference we are hosting in Vancouver on Saturday February 10th. ONE Conference If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always got. It’s craziness to think we can get different results in the new…
Organizations are getting flatter every day. Pyramids are dissolving and informal networks are emerging as the new organizational structure. As the world of work changes, leadership is shifting as well, moving away from a command and control style. To get what they need, leaders are compelled to negotiate – to listen to…