During the past 25 years, I’ve had the privilege of meeting some world class leaders and “celebrity” believers. Their ability to inspire others and cast a compelling vision is remarkable. What separates a great spiritual leader from a merely gifted communicator? The willingness and ability…
Hope that Fuels Your Vision and Discontent
The best leaders possess a two-sided paradigm to vision. On the one hand, they communicate inspiring pictures of a preferred future. On the other hand, they never (ever!) assume a nostalgic view and they continually interrogate current reality with brutal, analytical honesty. I briefly wrote about this…
Time to Get Serious About Leadership in the Church
Leadership development is a multi-billion-dollar industry. In the United States alone over $13B is invested in various programs every year. These figures are exclusive to the business world and do not include similar investments made in academia, government or non-profit sectors. The numbers are staggering and…
Should the Church Measure Results?
Measuring business results is straight forward – return on invested capital. There isn’t a single, consistent metric for measuring parochial institutions because the mission is more nebulous. How do you define a win for a parish? What is the wildly important goal for a Catholic school?…
Three Habits of Strategic Ministry
Ministry leaders can find it hard to create strategic plans. Planning isn’t the problem, the struggle is being strategic. It’s hard to create a strategic plan on paper without developing the habits of strategic ministry over time. Here are three habits of strategic ministry. Habit 1 – Prophetic Listening…
Thinking Like A Missionary
A number of years ago I helped organize a young adult event at our Church. It was an outreach event with a simple strategy: the young adults that were in the Church group invited their friends and classmates that were not. “Let’s help them see that people who are into…