Thank you for making 2020 a great year for this site. Special thanks to everyone who shares my writing through their network and social media channels. It is a big help to get the word out there. You can follow me on Instagram here. You…
Solving the Engagement Crisis in the Church
I wrote last week about how the Pandemic is holding up a mirror for the Church. Before COVID, everyone that was engaged in a parish attended Sunday Mass but not everyone attending was actually engaged. Parishes around the globe are recognizing how many parishioners were…
COVID is Holding up a Mirror for the Church
Most Catholic Dioceses track Sunday Mass attendance. This annual exercise has become discouraging for many Pastoral leaders. Year over year comparisons are tolerable, but the long-term trend is difficult to observe. Some dioceses have remained stable or increased attendance, largely because of immigration, not evangelization.…
Invitation to Leaders, “Be Watchful”
Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. The start of a new liturgical year. Jesus’ message in the Gospel was simple and pointed, especially to leaders, “Be watchful!” Several years ago, I travelled to Africa. I stayed with a small community of priests at a…
Is Christ the King of Your Leadership?
The Catholic Church just celebrated a great feast: Christ, King of the Universe. Christ’s way of leading and influencing was quite the opposite of what people expected in the Messiah. They assumed He would come to save the people Israel as a military giant or political…
COVID: A Catalyst for Change or Door to Demise for the Catholic Church?
A couple of months into the Pandemic, Carey Nieuwhof, a popular Christian leadership blogger, wrote, “By now you’ve realized that the coronavirus pandemic is not an interruption, nearly as much as it is a disruption.” His words have been echoing in my mind ever since.…
A Deeper Look Into the Declining Numbers in Catholic Parishes
I have been reading through Fr James Mallon’s book, Beyond the Parish. What a gift to the Church! Fr James takes an honest look at the current reality which at times is difficult to read because he exposes the sad decline in the Catholic Church.…
The Missionary Dimension of the Family Has Never Been More Important
I could tell my daughter had a difficult day. It was written all over her face. She shared what was troubling her at the supper table. A friend was being nasty and using unkind words. My daughter has a sensitive heart, so she took it…
Executive Presence Doesn’t Need to Yell
The best leaders are consistently humble but never insecure. Insecure leaders lead through the social mirror, fixing their self-worth to the praises and criticisms of others. This kind of approach can be very detrimental. Either the leader will be overwhelmed by an unhealthy emotional roller…
The Chosen – Must See TV
My wife stumbled on The Chosen video series early in the Pandemic shut down. After watching the first episode, she invited me to watch episode two. I did and was immediately hooked. We watched all eight episodes over the course of two evenings. Within a…
Success VS Significance – What’s the Difference and Why it Matters
Success is about making an impact here and now primarily by what you do and what you accomplish. Significance is about creating a lasting legacy by who you are and the edifying presence you bring to others. I have met many leaders who have accomplished…