Thank you for making 2020 a great year for this site. Special thanks to everyone who shares my writing through their network and social media channels. It is a big help to get the word out there. 

You can follow me on Instagram here.

You can follow me on Twitter here  

Key Stats:

  • 13,386 readers from 99 countries.
  • 80% of readers are from North America and a growing number are from the UK and Australia. Thank you, Fr James and Divine Renovation. 
  • Over 50% of my readers access my content on their mobile device.
  • I am older than 71% of my readers! Conclusion: I’m getting older. 

Here are the Top 20 posts from 2020.

  1. COVID is Holding up a Mirror for the Church 
  2. A Deeper Look at the Declining Numbers at Catholic Parishes
  3. Leadership Rises and Falls on This One Thing
  4. Leaders Daily Dozen
  5. 8 Ways Dads can Affirm Their Kids 
  6. 7 Qualities in Great Teams Remote or Not
  7. 20 Seconds to Strengthen Your Leadership
  8. Leadership is a Series of Conversations
  9. COVID: Catalyst for Change or Door to Demise for the Catholic Church
  10. Success vs Significance: What’s the Difference and Why it Matters
  11. Solving the Engagement Crisis in the Church 
  12. This is Becoming the Most Important Leadership Trait  
  13. Why Character is King  
  14. Never Stop Dating: Reflections on 25 Years of Marriage  
  15. In Times of Crisis Leaders Keep it Real
  16. Four Ways to Move Forward During the Pandemic  
  17. Daily Dozen for Couples
  18. Why is Everything So Hard
  19. Missionary Dimension of the Family Has Never Been More Important
  20. The Little Things are the Big Things 

For the past couple of years, I ended the year with a Top 10 list. This year I’m leaving you with a Top 20 list mainly because I’m taking next week off! In the absence of new content, you can enjoy the extra 10 articles! You will hear from me again on Monday, January 4th, 2021.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a great start to 2021!

In Christ,


P.S. Featured Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash