Today’s post continues the 5-part series of reflections on 25 years of marriage. Lesson #4: The Daily Dozen for Couples. The message I have today is straightforward. Some might say, simple. The benefit is in the daily application of the message not the eloquence of…
Work On It – Reflections on 25 Years of Marriage
Dr Richard Swenson wrote a great life-leadership book entitled, Margin. He defines margin as the space between our load and our limits. It’s not surprising that Swenson suggests most of us live without any margin in our lives whatsoever – no margin in our schedules,…
Never Stop Dating – Reflections on 25 Years of Marriage
Today’s post continues a 5-part series of reflections on the key lessons we have learned after 25 years of marriage. Lesson #2: Never Stop Dating Kids are a peculiar creature. They are the fruit of the intimacy of their parents and once born, a permanent…
Connecting the abuse crisis and the disruption of the pandemic
There is an analogous relationship between the clergy abuse scandal and the coronavirus pandemic. First, both crises involve innocent victims that were forced to endure immense suffering and pain through no fault of their own. Second, both crises are global stories, the victim cases are…
Post-Pandemic Missionary Impulse Capable of Transforming Everything
The dictionary gives two definitions of waiting: 1) the action of staying where one is and, 2) delaying action until a particular time. The first definition – staying where one is – is rooted in passivity. The second definition – delaying action – is rooted…
In Times of Crisis, Leaders Keep it Real
I am not an expert in leading through a pandemic crisis. The only way to make such a claim is to be 140 years old having led a significant group of people through the Spanish flu. I was certainly in leadership when the 2008 recession…
Authority Through Service
We live in a world that is breathtaking in its beauty and frightening in its fallenness. As the COVID-19 virus spreads across the globe, we’ve seen inspiring examples of heroic service and disgusting displays of selfishness. I can’t believe how quickly we commodify human suffering.…
Organizational Culture: Pain Points & Solutions
Organizational culture is a popular topic. Google presents millions of sites for you to explore. Thousands of books and articles are written every year on the subject. If the sheer volume of content won’t convince you of its importance, consider the wisdom of Peter Drucker who allegedly…
Overconfidence is Killing You
Many great organizations are precariously close to decline and death but they are so successful they don’t see it coming. Jim Collins (How the Mighty Fall), suggests a predictable pattern for how great organizations fall. The five stages are: 1) Hubris born of success, 2)…
Why Character is King
Last week I attended a leadership breakfast event with guest speaker, Alexandre Havard, Founder of the Havard Leadership Institute and author of Virtuous Leadership, Created for Greatness and From Temperament to Character. The title of the talk was, A Business Case for Character. Alex spoke…
Leadership Rises & Falls on This One Thing
Alexandre Dumas, author of The Count of Monte Cristo once said, “Instruction is good for a child; but example is worth more.” As the father, I couldn’t agree more. I shudder to think of all the times I didn’t paint an accurate image of God…