John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” I couldn’t agree more.

The data is clear. Well-led organizations significantly outperform organizations that are poorly-led. What does a high performance organization look like? High performing organizations accomplish their mission.

The data is clear. Well-led organizations significantly outperform organizations that are poorly-led. What does a high performance organization look like? High performing organizations accomplish their mission. Click To Tweet

If everything rises and falls on leadership …

If well-led organizations significantly outperform poorly-led organizations …

If high performing organizations accomplish their mission …

THEN, organizations that believe in the importance of their mission, should be the most committed to leadership development.

If well-led organizations accomplish their mission with greater effect, then organizations that are convinced of the importance of their mission will invest heavily in leadership development. Click To Tweet

The Church has the most important mission on the planet, “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:18). The Family is the most important institution in the history of humanity, “The future of the world and the Church passes through the family” (Saint John Paul II).

This new podcast, Leadership Where it Matters Most, presents an on-going conversation about leadership in the family and leadership in the Church, where leadership matters most.

We will be releasing a new episode every two weeks. Never miss out on an episode by subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Guests include:

Carey Nieuwhof

Fr James Mallon

Shaila Visser

Msgr James Shea

George Weigel