One of the most important responsibilities we have as leaders is to pray. Our personal prayer time, conversational intimacy with God, is the furnace of transformation on every level. Prayer closes the gap between the leader we are right now and the leader God is forging us to become for His glory.

One of the most important responsibilities we have as leaders is to pray. Our personal prayer time, conversational intimacy with God, is the furnace of transformation on every level. Click To Tweet

As leaders, we are committed to another form of prayer – intercessory prayer. This type of prayer is expressed in multiple ways and covers many areas. Often we pray for the people we serve and their families. We pray for wisdom to navigate issues and opportunities. We prayerfully come against obstacles and roadblocks raised against us and the mission. Some days we pray for healing, other days we pray for reconciliation. There are days (or seasons) when life’s issues are so heavy on our souls that words cannot express our meaning. Thankfully, God understands the language of the silent heart and he hears our whispered cries for help.

There are days & seasons when life's issues are so heavy on our souls that words cannot express our meaning. Thankfully, God understands the language of the silent heart. Click To Tweet

On Ash Wednesday (February 26) Mike Pence, with a room full of senior government leaders and support staff, took a few minutes to pray that the Coronavirus Pandemic Task Force would be granted wisdom in their deliberations and decisions. They prayed, as we all have, for an end to the Coronavirus Pandemic. It was caught on camera and posted online. Many  were happy to see those leaders praying, others not so much.

I’m sure Mr. Chatterton, a contributing writer @NYTMag was trying to be funny, however, the message was clear – prayer should not be considered as a serious option for improving a situation as significant as a Pandemic. I couldn’t disagree more.

Let’s take a few minutes now and pray a few prayers.

For People Suffering with COVID-19. Lord, you know by name every single person that is afflicted with the virus. You know their story. You know their heart. You know them better than anyone. Be their source of comfort and strength as they battle against this invisible enemy. Heal your people, Lord.

For Anyone that has Lost a Loved One. Lord, every person that has died of COVID-19, left family members, friends and associates that are grieving right now. When you entered into our humanity, you did not do away with pain and suffering. You came to fill it with your presence. We pray you would visit every home that is suffering, every heart that is grieving and may they sense your presence and turn to you as Lord and Saviour.

See the source image

For Front-line Health Care Workers. We pray, Lord, for their protection and the safety of their families. We pray, God, that you would infuse them with the graces they need to continue to bring the light of Christ into the dark and troubled institutions in which they serve. Comfort them, Lord. Please counsel them, heal them, strengthen them and bless them with peace.

For Government Leaders. We bring our leaders to you and ask that you be close to them today and in the days to come. Lord, grant them wisdom, discernment and courage. Give them a clear sense of the data, the issues and the systemic nature of the Pandemic so that they can make good decisions as they guide us through these difficult times.

For Families. For many of us the extra time at home has been a rich blessing and we thank you, Lord. The lockdown has allowed us to slow down and reconnect with loved ones. However, for others, the extra time with family has been difficult. There has been in increase of domestic abuse and addictions are gripping more and more people. Lord, wash your healing power over families all around the world. Give them grace to forgive and reconcile so as to live in peace.

For Spiritual Leaders. Lord, some of your spiritual leaders are doing very well at this time, others are battling serious discouragement and despair. We pray for the ones that are struggling. They have been weeks away from their congregations. They are lost in the ocean of technology and feel incapable of doing the ministry you called them to do. Visit them, even now, with your presence. Affirm their hearts, encourage their spirits. Let them see what you are up to even in these dark days.

For an End to the Coronavirus. Lord, you are the God of universe. You planted the stars in the sky and hold them in existence. You tell the moon when it is evening and you tell the sun where to hide until the morning. You have created every single human person as a unique masterpiece and love each of us eternally. You are holy, good and mighty. We, your children, approach your throne of grace with boldness and ask that you bring an end to the coronavirus.

In Jesus mighty name … Amen.

6 thoughts on “Prayers for the Pandemic”

  1. Thank you for this thoughtful reminder Brett. It’s been hard to pray at times through the past weeks, so your comments about sitting in the quiet and asking God how to prayer has blessed me.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Matt. Trying times for sure … let our prayers never cease! Blessings
      – B

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